Songs for the Leader: South America Edition

From Pinochet to Perón... During the past century, most of South American countries were under the rule of ruthless dictators and polemic presidents who had a great impact on countries societies and culture. However, during these periods of times, by genuine desire or by force to meet the requirements of the cult of personality, many songs and marches were composed to honour those leaders and their political movements. " Songs for the Leader " is a section where we take a look at several songs dedicated to these people or their political movements. Today, we will review a list of the most popular songs of South American countries during those difficult times. Argentina Speaking about Juan Domingo Perón is very controversial. Especially after what the Peronist Party (now Partido Justicialista) has become. Nevertheless, Perón had a great popularity back on the day, and many songs were composed in his honour. However, the main song of the Peronist movement is, without any doub...